Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Aloha! I am Kanani Akina. I have a mom and a dad, and I live on American Girl Farms with my seven friends. I am Hawaiian. My hair is past my waist and curly at the bottom. I always keep a bathing suit underneath my clothes when I am out in about, just in case I have the chance to take a quick stop at the beach! As you can see in this picture, I have my pink one on. See the pink strap going around my neck? Well my hobbies are: collecting shells, making shell boxes for Gladrags, surfing, making posters to help people save Hawaiian Monk Seals, selling shaved ice, writing about my adventures, giving surfing lessons, laughing, and asking to be interviewed by Kit. So far we are trying to work out the Kanani Times daily newspaper! Well, I'll check back in with you later!

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