Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hi, I am Elizabeth Cole. I have a mom, a dad, and an older sister Annabelle. I live on American Girl Farms with my seven friends. My hobbies are: scrap booking, sewing, riding horses, painting, reading, relaxing, and helping out at Gladrags. The reason I like to help out at Gladrags, is that I like to sew. I can sew a patch in less then ten minutes, and am considered a professional assistant at Gladrags. I even give some lessons to Julie, who can sew a patch in twenty minutes. So far I have broken her down to fifteen minutes. Well, I like to converse with all my friends and the people in their families. Some kids are scared to talk to other children's parents, but since I live on American Girl Farms with all my friend's parents, I don't mind talking with anyone. I mainly give advice to people and people describe me as their best helper. I am actually the one who convinced Ivy to get her ears pierced. I convinced Julie to follow her dream and open Gladrags, I convince many people and over half the time they listen to what I have to say, and it all works out. But, enough about me, lets talk about some other people! See you later!!!!! 

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