Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Month of Giving: Day #2

Whew! It is 9:30 where I am, and I just realized that I forgot to post Day #2 earlier today. Luckily, I still have time! Anyway, here is day #2 of the Month of Giving (see Day #1 post for explanation on the Month of Giving). Enjoy! Remember, I continue to encourage everyone's dolls to get involved! So far, I've gotten pretty promising feedback from a few people! : )
Day #2:
It was a Tuesday afternoon on the 2nd day of December, the last month of 2015. Kirsten had finished her homework and had felt rather tired after having stayed up until midnight on Sunday for Cyber Monday sales on her favorite brands.
"Kirsten?" She heard a voice; a rather lively voice, call for her. Lively was exactly the opposite of how Kirsten felt, and she really didn't want to be disturbed.
"Kirsten," Kit came over to Kirsten's bottom bunk, "I've called you several times, and I know you're awake."
"How do you know?" Kirsten asked.
"Aha! I knew you were!" Kit exclaimed, laughing. Kirsten groaned, and Kit stopped laughing. "Why are you so grouchy?"
"I'm just tired from staying up for that Cyber Monday sale. I've been trying to sleep, which is hard with all that clacking you're doing in the other room."
"It isn't clacking," Kit replied in a rather annoyed tone. "I happen to be writing a great article for the newspaper. Now, I didn't come over here to fight or anything, I came over here to let you in on a great idea. Don't you even want to hear what it is?"
Kirsten hesitated and then slipped out of bed and stood up. "Alright, what is it? I guess I'm not so tired anyway."
"Now that's more like it!" Kit smiled, before launching in to her idea pitch. "Grace is going to have a hard time here for the holidays. She isn't going to be able to go to Paris to see relatives, and her mother is still in that special center for her sickness. Grace hasn't seen her in almost two months. I thought, to help Grace in to the holiday spirit, we could decorate her bed canopy posts with some pretty handmade chain garland. We have all the material."
Kirsten was silent for a moment, and she seemed deep in thought. "You know what, Kit? That could be a great idea!"
Just then, Ivy came over to Kit and Kirsten. "Wow, you mean your fingers didn't melt onto the typewriter keys yet?"
Kit rolled her eyes, but laughed. "No, I decided I had to take a break some time."
"Now there's an idea!" Ivy joked.
Kit didn't respond to what Ivy had said, instead, she retold her idea to Ivy. After she was done telling Ivy about the idea, Ivy didn't even need to think for a moment. "Oh yes! Let's start right away while she is at music practice."
In the living room, by the warmth of a cozy fire, the girls took strips of green and red construction paper and began to tape and glue and fold to create a chain of festive colors.
The chain started out small... 
And turned out HUGE!
After a half hour or more of crafting, the girls stood up with their finished craft. "Wow, I don't think I've ever done an art project that quickly and have it turn out this good!" Ivy smiled.
"It sure was fun," Kirsten commented, and Kit nodded in agreement.
"Now, let's go hang this around her bed posts! She will be back in 15 minutes or less and we need it to be perfect!'
The girls linked the chain through the posts on the bed... 
And ended up creating a sort of canopy! (I will take a better picture of this later since it may be hard to see the effect in this picture)
When Grace came home, she went right to her bedroom, to find Kirsten, Ivy, and Kit sitting on the bed with the red and green garland hanging in a festive and holiday spirited way.
Grace gasped in amazement. "Did you three do that?"
All three girls just smiled.
Grace rushed to them and the girls swept her up in a group hug. Nothing even needed to be said. Grace right then knew that the holidays were going to be okay. Maybe even more than okay.
That was Day #2! It may seem like a little thing that they did, but it is actually all of the little things that make the difference too!
Happy Holidays to all!


  1. So sweet, Ellie! I love it!

    1. Hi Mira!
      Thank you! I'm so glad that you loved it!
      Thank you for commenting, and Happy Holidays!
      Ellie : )

  2. Aw, so sweet! This is such a cool idea. I posted about it on my blog! :)

    1. Hi Clara!
      Thank you! I'm glad that you think the idea is cool! I saw the post on your blog, thank you so much! Oh, and the drawings that you posted were really awesome! You are so talented!
      Thanks for commenting (and posting on your blog)! Happy Holidays!
      Ellie : )

    2. Aw, thank you Ellie! You're welcome! Merry Christmas! :D
