Sunday, February 1, 2015

Grace's Arrival: Part #2

Sorry I waited so long to post Part #2! It's kind of short, but I wanted to continue the photo story, so I decided posting a little something rather than nothing. A longer post will be up later (hopefully sooner).
Grace had spent the rest of her first day in her room, but the second day she seemed a bit more excited and at ease.
"Do you want to go take a walk?" Ivy asked excitedly. She was still wearing her same Paris outfit she had been wearing the other day.
"Um," Grace started cordially, but Molly could tell that that was not what Grace wanted to do.
"Ivy don't you have a book report?" Molly started just as she was interrupted by an angry sounding Mrs. Ling.
"Ivy Ling you get right in here and do your homework this instant! That book report is due soon and you haven't even started your book!"
Ivy blushed furiously and quickly ducked out of the scene; running for her cabin.
"I could show you the horses and other animals," Molly suggested gently. She had been extra careful with Grace just because she knew that it was a far move and Grace's mother was ill.
"Horses?" Grace asked, brightening more. "You mean there are horses here?"
"Sure," Molly smiled. "We have a whole stable full. Felicity's dad is a horse breeder and trainer."
"I've always wanted to touch a horse - or even see one up close. I saw one before on a horse drawn carriage, but I never got close."
The two girls entered the stable and went into the work room where all sorts of horse accessories sat in organized buckets or hung upon the wall.
"Wow!" Grace eyed each saddle and bridle with such awe.
Molly couldn't help but smile as she walked away, going to get one of the horses to introduce her to. 
Just then, Payton walked up out of the shadows of the stable, startling Grace. 
"Hey Grace!" Payton cried out even though the girls stood only a few feet away from each other. 
"Hi," Grace smiled politely; her heart still racing from being startled just moments before. 
"Well you don't have to look so scared!" Payton told her. 
This irritated Grace, because Payton had come out of the shadows from behind without announcing herself and was the cause of the scare in the first place.
Just then, Molly came out with one of the horses; Firefly (yes, there are about 4 horses all acted out by my 2 AG horses XD). 
Grace gasped softly, and her scare from earlier drifted away. 
Molly could sense that Grace was uneasy around Payton, so she spoke up kindly. "Um, Payton, why don't you go start some blueberry muffins so we can have some with afternoon snack?" 
Payton agreed and ran off; Molly could see the relief on Grace's face. 
Molly helped Grace attach the saddle onto Firefly. 
"Do you want me to take you on a small ride?" Molly asked. 
Grace pondered the idea for a moment, but then shook her head. She didn't feel quite safe riding a horse within such a short time of getting to know Firefly. Plus, the name made Grace a bit anxious. Was she named after the bug, or was it because she shot about fast like fire, flying? Grace didn't want to get on a horse like that! 
"Okay," Molly shrugged. "But you can pet her and brush her mane. She likes it very much." 
"Good," Grace replied, grabbing a brush and preparing to brush her. 
After some work in silence, Molly worked up the courage to ask her a question that had been in Molly's head since they had met in person just days ago. 
"It seems like Payton and Ivy really bother you," Molly started cautiously, searching for Grace's reaction. She did not react in any apparent way. She just continued to focus on her brushing, stroking each strand of hair with all her concentration. 
"Why do they bother you?" Molly asked, "I know they can be a bit loud at times, but they really are nice girls and I think you should get to know them better. Really, Grace, they can be some of the best friends ever once you meet them, I promise!"
Grace continued her brushing and finally, when she saw there was no way of getting out of an answer or at least an acknowledgement towards the question of some sort, she sighed and began to speak. 
"Not until they get to know me." 
With that, Grace put her brush down and ran off, leaving Firefly and Molly wondering just what was going on with Grace. 

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