I got three AG things (one is really, really big and could count as about 5 gifts! XD) and I'm so, so happy and grateful for each one!
First, I got Josefina's Classic Meet Outfit & Classic Accessories. My Josefina did not come in her original meet outfit and I've been wanting this for a long time.
First, in the accessories, is this beautiful necklace. I LOVE it. The dark center is just so mysterious and I love the gold chain it is on. It really does look kind of like an heirloom sort of thing.
Then, the belt tie is beautiful. I love how they did the woven braid at the tips of the ties. It's beautiful! I have to hand it to AG for the attention to detail in this outfit! 
The pattern on the skirt is very nice and fancy. The rebozo really matches it nicely even though I could never quite see the match in the catalogs or online. I suppose I never looked at it in person in the store.
Here is the whole outfit. It even comes with a pamphlet on how to tie the rebozo several different ways. I like this way best so far.
The rebozo is great!
Her tiny pouch is great and extremely easy to open and close! Nice! Her tiny coin fits in there nicely.
Next, I got the Our Generation coat set. I don't have a winter coat for dolls yet, so I was really excited to get one! Especially one as beautiful and good looking and well made as this! 
The orange is so vibrant and the coat has a nice texture to it that goes throughout; even on the collar and buttons. The scarf looks great with it! (there is also a matching set of mittens, but they aren't shown in this post)
The boots are kind of like UGG boots only they lack the hard soles, which is fine, because now they can walk around and sleep easier in them. The fur feels realistic, but the boots can't close all the way around the AG doll's foot, but as you can see from this pic, it still works.
Can you now???
Yep, I received the winter chalet! I was just soooooo happy, surprised, and excited!
Obeserve the image for a minute. XD
Kit can sit on her stool and look out the window. It is rather dark in the chalet, but the window lets in a nice amount of light. Cabins are never overly bright anyway, are they?
Continuing to gaze out...
The shutters can close, which is a huge, huge plus and adds a lot more play value! However, it does make it a bit darker in the chalet, but not that much more!
I love the fireplace (we don't have AAA batteries at my house currently and haven't had time to get them, so it does not yet light up. I love how the wood floor turns into stone around the fireplace, there is just such attention to detail!
As you can see, two dolls fit into the chalet perfectly. It is a bit snug, but that is how cabins do tend to be, right?
The wreath above the hearth has a tag on it that is nearly bigger than the wreath itself. They always tend to put those annoying, pointless things in just about every wrong place imaginable! 
Josefina and Kit love the chalet and on behalf of the dolls, are telling you what a great Christmas they all had!
Happy Holidays!!!
As the new year comes, I also want to give a little note to my page viewers, followers, and commenters (most will fit in more than one of those categories).
I love you all so much. I have 41 followers and over 21,1000 pageviews. No one can even know how special this makes my dolls and me feel. Really. I may not respond to every comment, but I take the time to read each one more than once.
I look at your blogs. All of your blogs. I go on hundreds of blogs a month, so many I can barely keep up with them. I absolutely love seeing everyone's creative side and I've yet to find an AG blog that I didn't like. I love them all!
Thank you for sitting through my rants on new doll clothes and hearing my opinions. Thanks for commenting that my photostories are good, even when I feel like I've had a blurry photo or flawed picture put up. For the awards I was nominated. Thank you for making me a better blogger.
So here's to a New Year of blogging, a new year to get better at this and to provide everyone with the perfect blog to sit down and read.
I'm going to try to do that, to fulfill that New Year's resolution.
It starts now.
~Ellie and the dolls
(corny I guess, I know, but I felt like I had to say all that! You guys really are special to me!)
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