Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Blogger Recognition Award!

I was nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by Mary Hannah from Life of a Library Girl ( She also has an AG blog; The Pony Tales Sisters ( Thank you, Mary Hannah! You've made my day!!!
For this award, I will follow all three requirements. First I will give a background of how my blog started (this section may be a bit long), then I'll give a tip or two for other bloggers, and then I'll nominate 15 other people. Oh, and this award was created by the blogger behind
First, I'll give everyone a background of how my blog got started. Here is the whole history. It is long, but I encourage you to read through it, please! You might just find it interesting.
 I probably throughout the years have given explanations as to how I started blogging, and I do have a lot of reasons, but what led me to start a blog was when I began to go onto American Girl Fan ( and I loved how she gave ideas for crafts and did photo-stories and she was soon all I could talk about and I dreamed of having a blog or website like her (Doesn't it seem like American Girl Fan is behind everyone's dream of being an AG blogger? Thank you Liz, for the inspiration!) I already had a blog about my daily life (it was a private blog just for my family to see). I was already familiar with blogger, and I enjoyed it, so I figured; 'Why not start another blog?' 
I begged my parents for about a year, and they still said  no. They agreed to me having a private AG blog, but I didn't want that - I wanted something that everyone could see - something that I could share with the world. Finally, my parents, when I was about 9 1/2 or 10 (I am 12 now), agreed. I couldn't share where I lived, not even the state or anything - just that I lived in the USA. 
I have had quite a few bumps along the way; some recent, some not. But I still have this blog, of course, and plan to have it for as long as I enjoy its presence (which should be forever!!! :)) 
I can't say I've been the best blogger...I've made a ton of mistakes, not kept a lot of promises, and have been known to sometimes take a week or two off from blogging without notice. I try hard to improve these things, and slowly, I am.
I never thought I would have 35 followers, tons of page views, and people nominating me for awards! Thank you to all my readers, commenters, followers, award nominators, and everyone else for making me feel very special! :)
My 2 tips for bloggers new and experienced:
1. A few months ago, I got a bit unsecure about my blog. I saw all these other blogs with flawless pictures and cool designs. I began to compare myself to these people. For about a week (luckily it didn't last longer!) I kind of felt a bit down on my blog. However, I realized that everyone's blog has something unique to offer, and once I stopped comparing myself to these blogs, I felt a lot better (kind of like the Isabelle stories, huh? XD). Never compare yourself to other bloggers or your blog to other blogs. Every blog has something to offer, and as long as you are giving it your all and having fun, your blog is great!
2. Have Fun. I'm serious - you have to have fun. If posting becomes a chore or something you dread, try to get creative and do some fun things that you enjoy posting about. If you post about dolls but you prefer posting about books, than start a book blog. Blogs are about expression and having fun, so whatever you do, have fun with it! Blogging should not feel like a four page advanced math exam.
Now I'm going to nominate...15 bloggers! (I am also telling each blog why I nominated them)
1. - your photography is so, so good!
2. - I love your photo stories and videos - your dolls have great personalities!
3. - I like that your dolls always have something funny to say. They are portrayed in a very realistic way for today's average modern girl.
4. - I like how your dolls go to interesting places & the ocean background of your blog is always nice to see.
5. - I get a lot of fashion ideas for my dolls from this blog, so I love the ideas and all the outfit pictures - it's so inspiring!
6. - this blog hasn't been updated in about a month or so, but I love the photography and stories, so I just had to nominate it!
7. - I love the ideas on this blog for different doll sized items!
8. - I love the focus on the mini dolls!
9. - I just love the blog in general! I especially like the latest post that shows how to add snow to your blog pictures! I'm going to have to try that out!
10. - I like the dolls on this blog and their personalities and I think it is cool that there is a boy doll on the blog - you don't get that too often!
The last 5 I am going to leave up to my readers! The first five people to comment that they have accepted the award will be nominated!
Thank you for nominating me! It means so much!!!!

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