Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Audition Part #2

I know her audition was supposed to be last Friday, but I had no time, so Part #2 is 2 days late.
"Good Morning," Kit greeted Elizabeth who had been washing her hands in the kitchen sink early on Friday morning. Her audition was somewhat early and it was an hour away, so she had to get up extra early.
"Good Morning," Elizabeth whispered back in a raspy voice.
"Are you sick?" Kit gasped. Elizabeth couldn't get sick for the audition!
"No," Elizabeth replied, clearing her throat, "I am just tired. I didn't get a full hour of sleep last night! I've just been thinking so hard." Elizabeth, all night, had been trying to play back the notes to her memorized violin concerto in her head. 
"I made a breakfast for you," Kit pointed towards a orange and chocolate muffin and a pile of fresh blueberries.
"Oh," Elizabeth was surprised. Kit was the only one up besides Elizabeth's family, and Kit had spent the morning preparing a breakfast just for her! "I don't know if I can eat it," Elizabeth sighed honestly. "My stomach really hurts - I think I'm nervous."
"You have to eat breakfast!" Kit told her firmly. Elizabeth took a blueberry and a weak bite of the muffin.
"Good," Kit replied.
At the audition, Elizabeth was partnered with this girl, Abigail. They were going to be the first to audition.
"So you play the violin too?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yes," Abigail replied, "I've been working towards this audition since I was five - how long have you been preparing?"
"Um, uh, too many years to count," Elizabeth half lied. Honestly, she hadn't been prepping for more than 5 months, but she had been playing the violin for two years.
"Abigail Weston?" the man called out. Abigail rushed off to audition.
Elizabeth was left to anxiously wait her turn.  
Then, nearly ten minutes later, Abigail came out of the audition room.
"It was really easy - you'll do great," Abigail patted her on the back, "It is so easy I'm sure you could do it in your sleep!"
"Yeah, I'm sure," Elizabeth nodded weakly.
Elizabeth walked through the door to the audition room. The three judges sat behind a table, waiting. Elizabeth couldn't see how Abigail had thought that this was easy.
"Please play your scale and then the piece," the judges ordered. Elizabeth nodded.
Elizabeth played her scales, which were easy, and then began her piece. The notes danced out slowly, gaining and gaining more and more speed.
Soon, the piece was had two more measures left of the music.
Squeak! A huge squeak came out of her violin, but Elizabeth covered it up and tried not to show that it had fazed her.
She had never felt readier to get out of a place.
The girls at home hugged her excitedly. "How did you do?" Jasmine asked.
"I think I did pretty good," Elizabeth shrugged. "I don't think it came to me quite as easily as the others."
"But what matters is that you did your best!" Kit called from the kitchen.
"Where is Kit's voice coming from?" Elizabeth asked.
"I don't know, but Julie needs to get off to basketball and I need to get off to gymnastics!" Ivy told Elizabeth as they dashed out the door with their parents.  
Elizabeth rushed into the kitchen with the others to see Kit. Sitting out, were cupcakes and muffins and cookies!
"Who made all this?" Elizabeth asked.
"I did," Kit whispered. "Now come on! Let's eat!"
All the girls grabbed cookies, muffins, and cakes.
"Congratulations," Kit hugged Elizabeth. "I know you'll get in."
"Thanks," Elizabeth smiled.
"Now go on!" Kit laughed, "Grab a cupcake! The red frosted one is for you! It matches your outfit!"
Elizabeth didn't know whether she'd get in or not, but right now, she had what she needed; her delicious cupcake, and best of all, her friends by her side.
I'll try to do another photo story in about a month or two about whether she got in or not! (I can't promise when though)
Please keep voting in the poll! I want EVERYONE'S opinion!

1 comment:

  1. I really hope you get in, Elizabeth! Good luck! :)

    ~Lydia~ <3
