Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The MagNeoBio Award!

I had 2 people nominate me for the MagNeoBio award, Shelby-Grace (www.ohmydollies.blogspot.com) & Nikki (www.dollsarebestfriendsalways.blogspot.com)
Here are Shelby-Grace's questions (I will answer Nikki's next):

  1. How many dolls do you own?
A: I own a lot of dolls (mostly AG)! I own 14 AG dolls, 1 Bitty Baby, 2 Journey Girls, and 3 Hearts for Hearts girls, and a few other brands.

2. Do you collect any other dolls besides AG?
A: Yes, I collect Hearts 4 Hearts girls (I have some Toys r Us Journey Girls, but I don't want anymore and am not into collecting or getting more of those - I have the 2 that I like/want).

3. How long have you had a blog?
A: Oh wow, I guess I'm nearing my 2nd year of blogging! I know it's not too long, but still, wow! 2 years - I can't believe it's been that long!

4. Who was your first American Girl doll?
A: Julie. She looks the most like me so I got her instead of a JLY doll.

5. Do you design your own doll clothes?
A: I design the clothes (I have about 2 or 3 sketchbooks full), but I haven't actually created/sewed them. I am currently sewing a Little House on the Prairie style dress, but it is nowhere near done. Later on if I find the time (which I might have more of since I'm on summer break), maybe I'll post a few of my doll designs.

6. What are your doll's hobbies?
A: My dolls do about every sort of sport or club you could ever imagine, so they don't have too much freetime. Their favorites are basketball, dance, violin, acting, and flute.

7.If you had to choose, who is your favorite doll?
A: My favorite doll....probably Kirsten because I love her accessories and her, and how she comes from Sweden, and just her pioneer story. My favorite does change everyday, but I've wanted her for a long time (and I finally got her too!).

8. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
A: There are SOOO many places I want to go....hmm. I'd probably want to go on a tour of the Laura Ingalls homesteads around the country with my cousin (we both love Laura & her books).

9. If you could design a historical or girl of the year doll, what would she be like?
A: For the Girl of the Year doll, I'd make her into a girl who lives on a sailboat with her sister and parents (and dog). She'd get to explore around the country and have a few interesting adventures. Oh yes, and maybe to make things even more interesting, she could be Caroline's great-great-grandchild or something and maybe still sail on a boat her father or her made?
For the Historical Character, I'd probably create a pilgrim girl who has just settled down here in America.
Now for Nikki's questions!

1. Do your dolls have middle names or nicknames? If so, what are they?
A: For some of my dolls, (mainly the HC dolls), I'll go on the American Girl Wiki and look at their profile to see if they have a middle name that the author of their books already picked out for them. If they don't, I'll make something that fits into their era. For the Girl of the Year dolls, I make up middle names that I think fit them. Also, I named my Lanie doll Delaney and she's called Lanie as a nickname, because I thought that Lanie sounded more like a nickname for Delaney. My dolls sort of have nicknames, like my JLY #53 Jasmine has the nickname "Jazzy" or "Jazz" or sometimes "Mimi" XD. The nicknames just sort of come and go, not many of them have really stuck (except for the Lanie one).

2. What's your favorite thing to do with your dolls?
A: My favorite thing to do with my dolls would probably be making photo stories.

3. How long have you had American Girl dolls?
A: I got my first one (Julie) on the Christmas of 2008. I guess this'll be my 6th year of having them!

4. How do you play with your dolls?
A: I play with my dolls a lot, so sometimes I'll make one of them the mom and I'll write up this crazy schedule for them and they'll all have to try and make it to the lessons or sports or something. I love doing photo stories for my blog, or a stop motion video for fun. My other favorite thing to do is make up new outfits from all the existing outfits that I own.

5. What are your favorite Historical American Girl books, and why?
A: My favorites would probably be Samantha - though it is REALLY hard to choose. In fact, my favorites change everyday. I think I like Samantha's books the most because it is interesting to hear about her rich life in the turn of the century/Victorian era. I also love Kit & Julie's books as my top 3 favorites, because Kit is a writer/reporter for fun like me and Julie looks like me and I think her story and her adventures are the most fascinating.

6. Do you have a proper bed for your dolls?
A: Yes. I have 2 sets of bunk beds that my neighbors gave me because they didn't have room for them. They are really sturdy beds and are handmade too. They were also given to me with bedding, mattresses, and pillows. Before I received the bunk beds, I bought Elizabeth's Bed and Bedding from a great kids consignment shop near me. It was brand new and only $50 (after already being retired!)

7. Do your dolls all share clothes or do they have their own clothes?
A: All my American Girl dolls share clothes, but my other different types of dolls don't because they don't really fit other doll's clothing (if that made any sense XD).

8. Do you like making up hairstyles for your dolls?
A: I love making up hairstyles for my dolls! Whenever I go to a store, I always find doll sized bows, clips, and twisties that go perfectly in my homemade doll hairstyle kit.

9. What non-American Girl Dolls do you like?
A: I like the Hearts 4 Hearts girls and the Journey Girls and Our Generation girls. I also like the Life of Faith dolls and the My Twinn dolls.

10. Do you like acting?
A: I LOVEEEE acting!!! I love being in the spotlight for anything! In fact, I've auditioned for a few things too! I am terrible at singing though and stuff, so I don't like acting that involves singing and sometimes I get annoyed by musicals. XD

Thank you girls for the questions and nomination!

Now here are some people that I'm going to nominate....

Super Inky! www.superinky.com

Clarisse's Closet! www.clarissescloset.wordpress.com

AG Fern Friends! www.thenewagfernfriends.blogspot.com

1 more person who hasn't been nominated (comment below to tell me you took this spot)

Here are the questions:

1. Have you heard of the new AG BeForever line that will be released? If so, what do you think of it?

2. What's your favorite doll that you do not own (doesn't have to be American Girl)?

3. What inspired you to start a blog?

4. How did you find out about American Girl?

5. What do you like most about American Girl?

6. What do you like least about American Girl?

7. What is your doll's favorite activity (sports, dance, play, etc.)?

8. Has your doll ever traveled? If so, what was her favorite place to travel to?

9. What is 1 Girl of the Year doll that you wish AG had made/will make?

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for answering my questions! I love your Girl of The Year and Historical Doll ideas :D
