Sunday, September 22, 2013

Trip to American Girl Place New York (last February)

I lost the memory stick (see previous post), but tonight, I was looking for it again and I actually found it! So now, I have pictures from my American Girl Place New York Trip from last February! I was unable to bring a doll (we had to pack lightly, and there wasn't room for my doll). But, I still got pictures! Of course now, I am going to post pics of my trip to AGP NYC and soon, I'll post pictures of my previous trip to AGP Washington D.C. (I went there this July, and I am going there again in a week!). Well, here are the pictures!
It was about to close when we went, but I was able to snap a few pictures. Here is one of a winter scene! I really liked how they had set it up, and I am pretty sure that the snowman in the background was wearing Julie's Scarf!
I thought this set up was really cool, especially how they had the scooter on display (at Washington D.C. store, I find that it is usually behind glass). This doll was kind of falling off it though!
The Saige stuff was really cool to look at, especially since she was so new (this was only in February).

I thought that this display was cute too, I loved it!
I love this picture, but the AGP NY is so amazing, that no picture could capture it.
Sorry I didn't take any pictures, I went about 30 minutes before closing time, but was able to get a special AGP Exclusive New York Shirt!

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