Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Trip to American Girl!!

No one probably remembers when I posted about my trip to American Girl Store where I said I would post pictures soon. These pictures are all the way from last summer, so really, it is very late to be showing these. But better now then never, right? Here they are:
I went to AG Place with my cousin and my parents. We had a LOT OF FUN!!
My cousin and I were each planning on getting a new doll, and my cousin and I really liked Emily. I really like her pajamas.
Here is my Julie doll after she got her hairstyle. We are at afternoon tea in the Bistro. Also, Julie had just finished getting her ears pierced!!
My cousin chose to get McKenna, the girl of the year 2012, she is SO pretty.
Two of my cousin's dolls, McKenna, and JLY Morgan! All the dolls really enjoyed the tea.
Molly and Julie were having a great time too! (Sorry that my mom's arm is in the pic)
Molly, stop stealing my mom's Starbuck's coffee!!

Is the tea delicious Molly??
I might show some more pictures later!
By the way we were at Washington D.C./Virginia Store.

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