Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Hi I'm Jasmine and I'm in the same classes as all my other friends on American Girl Doll Farms. I LOVE horse riding, and I am getting really good. Felicity used to coach me, but now we are on the same level. I hate playing on games like Wii and Nintendo. I am so bad at them, and besides, why sit inside, when you could be running around outside. I like nature and stuff, so Lanie and I have become the bestest of friends. Not that I'm not friends with everyone! Writing is pretty cool, but I prefer reading. For some reason I like riding things and I'm really good at it. I never walk or run, except for sometimes. Usually, you might be able to find me rollerskating, horse riding, riding a scooter, biking, and skateboarding so that I can get around. I love being outside, but I also like playing gymnastics inside. Ivy and I practice a lot every day!
Glad to meet all of ya!!

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