Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hi, I'm Ivy Ling and I live at American Girl Farms with my seven friends. I have a dad, a mom,
an older brother, and a little sister Missy. I just got my ears pierced and I am in the fifth grade. All my other friends are only in the fourth grade, but we never think of me as being the older one. I was Julie's first friend when we all met during preschool. My hobbies are: going to the beach with Kanani, selling shaved ice, playing the violin, learning to ride a horse, helping Julie, her older sister Tracy, and their mom at Gladrags, and baking great apple pies. But really, my favorite holiday is Chinese New Year. I can't wait for our big celebration! Oh yeah, I also really love going camping and reading. My friends say I am good at writing in Chinese calligraphy, playing the vionlin, and eating.:) I am a sort of smart student, though I have never gotten any straight As' like Kit has. Math is my best subject. If you ask me what my least favorite part of my weekend is, I would say Saturday Morning Chinese school. 
I love baking and everyone calls me "Kitchen Queen." I actually work at my grandparents' restaurant the Happy Panda. I only work there on week days since it is too far from where American Girl Farms is. The good thing is, that it is right next to my school. This means that I can treat my friends to some great Chinese Food, instead of gross cafeteria food! The only problem is, that I can only treat one friend a week.:( Well, Kit my reporter is telling me that is enough talking and that she already has my life story, so I guess I'll stop there. Check back for more about me!!!!!!

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