Thursday, December 26, 2013

Review of: Hearts 4 Hearts Girl Shola!

This Christmas, I get many, many, wonderful, amazing gifts. Amongst those gifts, I got 2 Hearts 4 Hearts girls; Shola and Nahji. I will post a review of Shola right now, and will post a review of Nahji later (she is currently in major "surgery" having her nose ring glued back on XD).
Shola is from Kabul, Afghanistan. She has a sort of tragic but happy background story. Her parents and brothers died, so she was left alone with her sister, however, the girls find a circus school, and join. In the end, they end up leading a fun, happier life, spreading happiness to other children like herself.
The book is pretty short, it is about 4 pages - it is more like a little excerpt or sample. It is good though, and in those four pages, you end up learning a lot about her.
This is the best far away, full body picture that I could really get of her like that. I still don't know what to call her cultural headscarf (I don't know the proper term for it or anything), so in this review, I will just call it a cultural headscarf.
Here is a picture of her beautiful, kind, face. I fell in love with it when I opened her up - she has a face with so much character and personality. Also, I can see it in her face, she is a very kind person.

Here is another picture of her! She is SO beautiful. Her skin is on the medium side, it isn't dark, but it isn't pale or anything either - it is sort of like an in between, tan color, it is beautiful and so suiting. 

Her shoes are rubber or soft plastic or something (with all these different materials, I can't tell them apart honestly XD). They are detailed, and look more like slippers. They are very easy to slip on and off, and are a beautiful color.

On her arm, she has three rubber or soft plastic bracelets. I took the pink one off, and it seemed to stretch it out more or something, so I just left the rest of them on. I don't know if I recommend taking them off, they stretch out easily. They are brightly colored though, and are a fun addition.

This is a picture in attempt to show you the detail in her eyes. The picture doesn't do the eyes justice, they just have so much detail, they are so kind looking.

Her cultural headscarf is able to Velcro on the back. The scarf is made of some type of light fabric, and is a cute bright pink. The Velcro does fit better together, I kind of spread it apart to exaggerate the Velcro for the picture (I wasn't sure if it would show up or not).

She also has cute gold ball earrings. They don't come out like AG earrings I believe - they can come out a tad bit, but I don't think they come out completely.

Not only does the cultural headscarf Velcro, there is also an elastic band underneath her chin to keep it in place. It isn't noticeable at all, I didn't even know it was there until I started exploring the doll's features more.

For the most part, her dress is a white polka dot against navy blue pattern. It is cute, and as you may notice in this picture, the polka dots aren't completely rounded - it is an uneven polka dot pattern.

However, at that top of the dress, framed in a cute little floral decoration pattern, is another fabric print with little flower drawings, it kind of reminds me of a skirt I used to have a long time ago.
This picture isn't that great, but her hair is amazingly long. She can easily sit on it - but it isn't annoyingly long, it is just the right length for some pretty cool long hair styles!

Here is my attempt to get another pic - this one didn't turn out as great either.

In the back, she has this part of her hair that is tied back, I figured that is goes around to the front strands of hair. I don't recommend taking the tie out, because I don't know if it'd be easy to get back.

Here is Shola with her cultural headscarf off, she is beautiful with and without it. Isn't she adorable?

Here she is sitting down, relaxing. Her head is different than an AG head, her head can move up and down and from side to side, rather than just up and down. That is another cool feature.

Another picture! H4H Girls are about 3 inches or 4 inches smaller than an AG doll - I am thinking that Shola could be an exchange student who is just a little bit shorter. I am thinking of making my other H4H doll a pen-pal of one of my AG dolls - I'll have to think about who.  

This is a side profile of her with a ponytail - her hair is easy to comb and SO fun to style. She came with a small plastic comb that had a ponytail holder wrapped around it - that is such a smart idea! However, the ponytail holder was too small for Shola's thick, layered, long hair, so I just used some of my AG doll ponytail holders.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Shola, and I am saving up for my next H4H girl - I think I either want Mosi, Consuelo, Lauryce, or Dell. Do you have any H4H girls on your wishlist?

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from American Girl Doll Story!!!
I am so sorry I haven't posted this holiday season, so much has been going on in the lives of the dolls and in my life too! I have been SOOO busy. However, after the holiday madness leading up to Christmas Day, I am ready to relax and wait for 2014 to roll right in - so this will give me a time to post a LOT more!
I will be posting a Christmas party for the dolls photo story that I did, I am very excited! But until then, I hold you over with some reviews and other things (I am hoping for the doll photo story to be finished tomorrow, but I can't promise anything).
Thank you for looking at the blog!